Friday, July 13, 2012

Garage Clean-Up

Cleaning out your garage can seem like an overwhelming task, but chances are that once you get started, you'll be on a roll and get yourself organized in no time. It might help to break down the job into a few easy steps to help guide the process.

Tackle the Trash

One of the biggest parts of your clean-up is going to be deciding what's trash and what's not. Without going too crazy, it is probably best to err on the side of trashing things, as it's going to make the job, and your life, a whole lot simpler. Even though it can be tempting to save every little thing for future "needs," remember that you'll get a whole lot more use out of your garage and your belongings if you have enough room to access them in the first place.

Rent a Dumpster

When it comes to a garage that needs clearing out, chances are good that there is a pretty huge amount of junk to be thrown away. Since a lot of local trash companies impose limits on how much trash you can put out a week, and a lot of things may just be too large and awkwardly shaped for trash bags anyway, you're going to want to rent a dumpster from a reputable dumpster rental company. Just picturing a dumpster-sized load of junk gone from your garage should make the task at hand seem much more manageable.

Waste Not

While you're reducing, remember to reuse and recycle. Metals like copper can be sold at salvage shops if you've got scrap lying around. Old empty cans can be used to store nails or screws. You could even try selling old gym equipment you no longer use on the internet (or give it to a friend). Or, if you've got way more than the occasional item that you no longer want or need, take advantage of the newfound space to have a garage sale. If you're in a hurry to get rid of everything, though, feel free to put it in your rented dumpster. Many dumpster rental companies will go the extra mile to reduce their environmental impact by going through the dumpster's contents to find reusable and recyclable materials that they can either recycle or donate to charity.

Get Organized

Depending on what your garage is like after you've dumped all your junk you might just need to put things where they are supposed to go. However, if this is not so clear to you, there are lots of ways to make your garage a more naturally well-ordered place. After going through what you are sure you want to keep, add shelves for those little items without obvious homes. For the really ambitious (and handy), consider installing a big, loft-style shelf for larger items that can be kept out of the way.

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